My spouse wants a divorce, what should I do?

 Hearing that your wife or husband wants a divorce can be extremely difficult as you look to a future that’s different to how you imagined. Whether you’re on the same page as your partner, or the news has come as a shock, it’s a hugely overwhelming and emotional time.

So, what should you do when your spouse tells you they want a divorce?

Here are 4 tips to help you know where to start when facing a divorce, from family solicitor and Partner at Leeds Day LLP, Simon Thomas.

  • Speak with a divorce solicitor

We highly recommend that you seek legal advice from a family law specialist as soon as possible. Not only will they listen and guide you through the next steps based on your circumstances, they’ll also help you to deal with the complexities of divorce, offer clarity, explain the language and legal process, and help take the strain.

At Leeds Day LLP, our experienced and compassionate family solicitors work with clients to identify the best approach, whether it’s an alternative form of dispute resolution such as mediation or collaborative law or a solicitor-led approach.  Although most divorces don’t end up in court, we are also experienced at representing clients in the family court if necessary.

  • Child arrangements

Consider arrangements for any children, including where and with whom the children will live, and how often they will see each parent. Ideally you and your ex-partner will be able to agree the arrangements, but if an agreement can’t be reached, a family solicitor can assist with negotiations and, if necessary, help you to obtain a legally binding child arrangements order.

  • Review your finances

Divorce finances are often a sticking point. We recommend you begin by gathering as much information as possible about your financial situation. This includes details of assets such as property, bank accounts, investments, and pensions as well as any mortgages, loans and debts.

While it’s not necessary to provide exact details right at the start, it is a good idea to prepare as much as you can so that you have a reliable overview of your financial circumstances with which to begin building a plan that will ensure you get the best possible financial outcome after divorce.

  • Talk to your spouse

Divorce doesn’t need to result in a total collapse of communication between you and your ex-partner. There may be issues to be resolved that you can agree on. For example, you might be able to agree on the arrangements for the children but could use a little assistance from a family solicitor to reach agreements on a financial settlement.

Talking things through can make you feel more in control of the situation and is a cost-effective way of settling disagreements. However, we do recommend that you speak with a divorce law specialist before reaching any agreement with your spouse, to ensure you know your full rights and that the terms of the agreement you reach between you is fair in all the circumstances.

Get in touch

If you’d like to talk with a family law specialist about your divorce please do get in touch with our family team by contacting Simon on 01480 474661 or send an email to either or


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